

Friday, June 20, 2014

Scientific Units: Physics

Scientific Units: Physics 

Ampere – Electric Current
Angstrom – Wavelength of light
Bar – Atmospheric Pressure
Becquerel – Activity of a radionuclide
Coulomb – Electric charge
Dioptre – Power of a lens
Decibel – Intensity of sound
Dalton – Atomic mass
Darcy – Permeability
Force – Newton
Farad – Electric capacitance
Fathom – Depth of sea
Henry – Inductance
Hertz – Frequency of sound
Joule – Work or Energy
Knot – Speed of ship
Kilowatt – Electric power
Kelvin – Thermodynamic Temperature
Lax – Illuminance
Maxwell – Magnetic flux
Ohm – Electric resistance
Volt – Electric potential
Watt – Power
Siemens – Electric Conductance

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